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Featured Partner: CSA Group

SBB is made possible by the contributions, support, and active participation of its Partner organizations. CSA Group has been an SBB Partner since 2012.


A global leader in developing standards-based solutions, CSA Group works in Canada and around the world to help improve public health and safety, nurture innovation, preserve the environment, and facilitate trade. CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit, member-based organization, working with manufacturers, retailers, business, academia, consumers, and government to develop solutions that help advance today’s needs while anticipating tomorrow’s requirements.

CSA Group is an internationally-accredited standards development organization, bringing together more than 8,000 volunteer members with diverse perspectives, technical knowledge, and experience who contribute time and effort to work on more than 1,300 technical committees. CSA Group acts as a neutral third party, providing a structure, forum, and process for developing standards that are widely recognized as both balanced and technically robust.

Over 40 percent of CSA Group’s more than 3,000 standards and codes have been referenced in legislation and regulation in federal, provincial, state, and municipal jurisdictions across North America. Others are specified by trade and professional associations. And many more are adopted for voluntary use. We also work with other SDOs around the world as a key contributor to international and harmonized standards activities.

Standard/Conformance Tools

CSA Group publishes numerous plumbing standards and codes.  The items listed below are just a sampling of CSA Group’s standardization work.  Click here for additional CSA Group standards and codes.

Industry Sectors Served

Electrical and renewable energy, alternative energy vehicles, oil and gas, fuels and fuel-burning appliances, health care and medical devices, worker and workplace safety, public and community safety, construction and infrastructure, environment and carbon management, management and auditing practices.


CSA Group
Corporate Head Office
178 Rexdale Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: 416-747-4000
Fax: 416-747-2510

Beyond the bottom line: standards impact quality, lead-time, factory flexibility, and supply chain management.
Standardization and conformity assessment activities lead to lower costs by reducing redundancy, minimizing errors, and reducing time to market.
Demonstrating compliance to standards helps your products, services, and personnel to cross borders. Standards also make cross-border interoperability possible, ensuring that products manufactured in one country can be sold and used in another.
Businesses not only reduce the economic risk of their research and development activities by participating in standardization, they can also lower their overall R&D costs by relying on previously standardized technologies and terminologies.